Home Industry and Commerce

Industry and Commerce


1841   Feb Disorderly Workman
1870   Aug Colliery Accident
1891   Jan Local Trade in 1890
1893   Jan District Trade in 1892
1894   Jan A Disastrous Year
1908   Nov Brutal Pony Driver
1917   Aug Kilnhurst Miner Dies
1918   Jan Butchers on Strike.
1920   Jan Hull Coal Traffic.
1921   Jan Hull Coal Trade.
1921   May Strike in Seventh Week
1921   Jun Pit Pony Races.
1927   Jul Local Industries
1928   Feb Change at Kilnhurst.
1928   Feb More Men Dismissed.
1928   Dec Drowning Fatality.
1929   Jun Baker-Bessemer
1929   Nov Pottery Site Closes
1932   Jan Casualty List of 1931
1932   Oct Good Old Hemp
1937   Apr Kilnhurst Bridge
1937   Nov Back To Work
1939   Feb Injured Head At Work
1939   Oct Kilnhurst Co-op Notice
1942   Sep Mr. Hall Speaks Out
1944   Apr Chaos in the Coalfield
1947   Jan NCB Vesting Day
1948   May Miners’ Strike Ends
1948   Oct Going Back To Work
1949   Sep Licensed M. C.
1951   Feb GMWU Presentation
1951   Mar Breakdowns Cut Output
1951   May Weekly Coal Output
1951   Aug Tonnage Halved
1951   Oct Whitsun Output Drop
1951   Oct Election: Who’s Who
1951   Dec Holiday Hangover
1952   Jan Lofty Landmark Falls
1958   Sep Get Your Hoover Now !
1967   Nov Chamber of Trade Fair
1968   Nov Pit Strike Ends
1970   May Road Danger