Home Places Schools They Think World Of Jack

They Think World Of Jack

February 1969

South Yorkshire Times February 8 , 1969

They Think World Of Jack

When one Kilnhurst reader ” opened her copy of the “South Yorkshire Times” last Friday she was disappointed to find that her “hero” was not included in the “They Guard Your Children” feature on local crossing patrol wardens.

Mrs. Audrey Spencer, of ” Windynook “, Wentworth Road, Kilnhurst, was not alone in her disappointment; other residents were upset that one of the village’s personalities was missing from the survey.

In his six years as “lollipop man” at the Victoria Street-Highthorne Road junction, Mr. John (Jack) Gladwin has established himself as a local favourite. The infectious gentle character of the 73-yeams,a retired miner has won him praise from many quarters.

“He’s a smasher,” says Mrs. Spencer.

Knows them all

Mr. Gladwin, of 31, Carle Road, was the first warden in Kilnhurst. He is in charge of over 70 chidren and knows each one by name.

Mrs. Spencer told the “South Yorkshire Times” this week: “A feature on wardens couldn’t be complete without including our Mr. Gladwin. He is marvellous. All the children love him and parents can be safe in the thought that their children are in expert hands”

Mother of four, Mrs. Spencer, who sends two children to the Church of England School, added: “Mr. Gladwin is so alert that only the other week when my daughter was away from school, he came round to the house in the evening and asked why I hadn’t told him she would not be there. He was worried when he noticed she had not crossed the road.”

Vicar’s praise

The Vicar of Kilnhurst, the Rev. G. S. Pym complimented all three of the village’s crossing patrol wardens. He said: “We are lucky in Kilnhurst to have three of the best wardens possible’

Mr. Walter Squires and Mr. John (Tiff) Pearce guard the children on the two County School crossings.