Home Places Streets and Communities Kilnhurst Find was not Colorado Beetle

Kilnhurst Find was not Colorado Beetle

August 1948

South Yorkshire Times August 7, 1948

Kilnhurst Find was not Colorado Beetle

Unusual visitor to Kilnhurst last Friday was a suspicious looking  beetle found by Mr. Harold Newby when clearing some banana boxes for market at the fish and fruit shop in Victoria Road, ‘Kilnhurst, of his mother, Mrs. R. Newby.

The beetle, at first thought to be a Colorado beetle, was imprisoned in a bottle and handed to Swinton police, who, on checking with their diagrams of the Colorado decided that it was not such a specimen.

Miss Newby told a ‘South Yorkshire Times’ reporter on Saturday that the beetle was yellow striped, fat, and an inch long.

Special ‘South Yorkshire Times’ pictures this week show Miss Newby pointing out to her brother the insect in its glass ‘cage,’ and (below) a drawing of a Colorado beetle (left) and the KiInhurst “find” (right).