Home Times 1942


Editorial – The Brotherhood of Freedom

20 June 1942
South Yorkshire Times, June 20th, 1942. The Brotherhood of Freedom Though the pendulum of war still remains poised, obstinately declining to swing in our favour until...

Editorial – Dangerous Corner

27 June 1942
South Yorkshire Times, June 27th, 1942. Dangerous Corner                                           We are in a tight corner again. Within the week the news from North Africa has clarified...

Editorial – Backs to the Wall

4 July 1942
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 04 July 1942 Backs to the Wall News from the Middle East, more curt and cautious in the hour...

Editorial – Taking the Strain

11 July 1942
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 11 July 1942 Taking the Strain In Egypt the war situation has improved during the last seven days. El...

Editorial – A Race With Time

18 July 1942
South Yorkshire Times - Saturday 18 July 1942 A Race With Time As the false dawn of optimism recedes still further before the war's present...

Golden Wedding – Mr & Mrs Spencer

August 1942
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 01 August 1942 Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer, of 70, Charles Street, Kilnhurst, celebrate their Golden Wedding tomorrow...

Retirement After 46 Years for Railway

August 1942
South Yorkshire Times - Saturday 15 August 1942 Retirement Friends of Mr. S. Palfreyman will be interested to hear of his retirement this week-end after 46...

Marconigrams – August 22nd, 1942

August 1942
South Yorkshire Times - Saturday 22 August 1942 Marconigrams The quarterly meeting of Kilnhurst Co-operative Society to be held on Saturday evening. Wath Main Colliery pithead...

Editorial – Waiting

1 August 1942
South Yorkshire Times - Saturday 01 August 1942 Waiting Waiting is a test of nerve and spirit. It is an ordeal which may be selfimposed from...

Editorial – Congress Exposed

8 August 1942
South Yorkshire Times - Saturday 08 August 1942 Congress Exposed Amongst other preoccupations the news out of India is unpleasantly inopportune though the latest revelation...