Home Times 1932


Tact at Kilnhurst – Constable Complimented

May 1932
Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 27th, 1932 Tact at Kilnhurst Constable Complimented Police Constable Kirk, of the Rotherham West Riding Constabulary, stationed at Kilnhurst, was complimented by...

Kilnhurst’s New Bowling Green

May 1932
Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 6th, 1932 Mr. F Stanier, agent of Kilnhurst Collieries and president of the local Welfare Committee, delivering the first wood...

Kilnhurst Club Prosecution – Supper Beer

June 1932
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Friday 03 June 1932 Supper Beer Kilnhurst Club Prosecution "I did not know I was doing wrong, I have got my beer...

Doctor’s Error – Kilnhurst Man’s Death Wrongly Certified

June 1932
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Friday 03 June 1932 Doctor's Error Kilnhurst Man's Death Wrongly Certified Due To Seizure Mr. J. Kenyon Parker, the Sheffield District...

Kilnhurst Betting House – “We Were Giving Up Tomorrow”

June 1932
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Friday 03 June 1932 Kilnhurst Betting House “We Were Giving Up Tomorrow” "Harry Smith (40), miner, of 40, Carlisle Street. Kilnhurst,...

Marconigrams – July 22nd, 1932

July 1932
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Friday 22 July 1932 Marconigrams. The Mexborough Urban Council has voted itself an August vacation. Three hundred employees of the Houghton...

Marconigrams – July 29th, 1932

July 1932
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Friday 29 July 1932 Marconigrams Work will commence next week on a new Labour Exchange to be erected in Mexborough. Over 400...

Anglers Dinner Gone – Kilnhurst Miner’s Lament

July 1932
Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 8th, 1932 Anglers Dinner Gone Kilnhurst Miner’s Lament Four Kilnhurst miners, three of whom caught trout in the Doncaster Corporation’s reservoir at...

Coal Thefts At Kilnhurst – Warning to Children

July 1932
Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 8th, 1932 Coal Thefts At Kilnhurst Warning to Children You must not pick and steal. Stealing starts small and gets bigger. ...

Damage At Wentworth

July 1932
Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 8th, 1932 Damage At Wentworth Trouble caused to the police by persons who damaged mowing grass on the Wentworth estate was...