Home People Weddings Wedding – Frith & Hirst

Wedding – Frith & Hirst

April 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 19 April 1941

The wedding took place at Kilnhurst Parish Church on Saturday of Miss Mary Frith, eldest daugheer of Mr. and Mrs. T. Frith, 35 Greenwood Road, Kilnhurst, and Sapper Herman Hirst, youngest son of Mrs. Hirst and the late Mr. E. Hirst, of 7, Duke Streit, Swinton.

The bride, given away by her father. wore white lace, with satin collar and panel of satin frills, veil and gardenias, white and gold regimental brooch, the gift of the bridegroom and carried pink tulips.

She was attended by Misses Doroth, Doreen and Betty Frith and Connie Winstanley.