Home People Weddings Wedding – Coates & Baker – Charming Wedding – Pretty Spectacle at Wath

Wedding – Coates & Baker – Charming Wedding – Pretty Spectacle at Wath

July 1929

Mexborough and Swinton Times July 26, 1929

Charming Wedding

Pretty Spectacle at Wath

A marriage in which two well-known local families were concerned was celebrated in the beautiful old parish church of All Saints, Wath-on-Dearne, on Wednesday afternoon, when Miss Doris Elisabeth Coates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Coates, of 12. Fitzwilliam Street, Wath-on-Dearne, was married to Mr. John Baker, son of Mr. George Baker, O.B.E., and Mrs Baker of Greno House, Swinton.

A large gathering assembled both within the church and around the gates to witness what proved to be an exceptionally charming function, and at the close of the service over a hundred guests were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Coates in the Church House.

The officiating clergymen were the Rev. C. E. Whiting, D.D. vice-principal of St. Chad’s College, Durham, and the Rev. F. B. Gunnery, Vicar and Rural Dean of Wath. The service was choral, the hymns, “How welcome was the call” (to a tune composed by Mr. a M. Coates, the bride’s father, who is organist and choirmaster of the Wath Parish Church) and “0 Perfect Love” being sung. Mr. Douglas Marsden Coates, brother of the bride, organist of St. Mary Magdalene’s Church, Paddington, was at the organ, and during the service played appropriate music by Davan Wetton (“Postlude”), Wolstenholme (“Allegretto in A Flat”), and Macdowell. The bride, whose entrance was heralded by the “Bridal March,” was given away by her father. She made a beautiful and dainty picture in her gown of ivory silk thread shadow lace and tulle, the corsage of which was studded with shimmering diamante and the bouffant skirt composed of wide frills of lace, each frill being edged with tulle. Her train was of ivory satin lined with georgette, trimmed with lace to match the gown and caught into a lover’s knot with diamante. She wore a wreath of orange blossoms and a tulle veil embroidered at each corner with lover’s knots, lent by the bridegroom’s mother, and carried a simple bouquet of lilies of the valley.

Her train was borne by two little pages, Peter and Hugh Baker, wearing tunic suits of natural shantung. She was attended by two cousins of the bridegroom, Miss Rebecca Watson and Miss Janet Baker, whose dresses of lime green marocain were cut on tailored lines, with accordion-pleated skirts, trimmed with mattelasse work and Point de Paris lace and worn with large Paribuntal hats of lime green, swathed with georgette of the same shade. Their shower bouquets were composed of multi-coloured sweet peas. The best man was Mr. Richard Baker, brother of the bridegroom, and the groomsmen were Mr. Henry Baker, Mr. Bernard Baker, and Captain W. E. Laidlaw.

The bride’s mother received her guests at the Church House, which was decorated with scarlet geraniums and sweet peas in a gown of ninon featuring a floral pattern of red carnations on a ground of black, and a black hat the crown of which was trimmed with filets of cream lace, her bouquets being of red carnations. Mrs. Baker, mother of the bridegroom, had chosen a black shadow-lace dress worn beneath a coat of black and white pan velvet, and a picture hat trimmed with folds of organdie, and she carried a bouquet of pale pink roses. The bride’s travelling costume consisted of a floral ninon gown in pastel shades of blue.

The health of the bride and was proposed by Dr. Whiting, and the bridegroom bridegroom responded in s happy 1 i tt Icy speech. After the reception Mr. and Mrs John Baker left for their honeymoon, which is being went in the Lake District.

Among the numerous ‘presents received were a silver salver from the the office and works staff of Messrs. Joseph Booth & Bros, Ltd.; of Leeds. of which firm the bride groom is director and manager a set of dish covers from the staff of John Baker and Company’s Kilnhurst works, and a rose bowl from the employees of the New Side Kilnhurst Steel Works; an antique table from the manager and staff of the Westminster Bank, Doncaster, where the bride has been employed for several years ; a cake stand from the choir boys of the Wath Parish Church; and a case of serviette rings from Mrs. Baker’s Women’s Class. The bridegroom’s gifts to the bridesmaids were pearl set necklaces.

The following guests were present at the wedding and reception: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Marsden Coates and Miss Margaret Coates (Richmond, Surrey); Mr. Richard and Mr. Mark Baker, Swinton; the Rev. Dr. Whiting, Durham; the Rev. F. B. and Mrs. Gunnery, Vicar. Wath; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ha ton, Glasgow; Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Bridlington; Mr. James and Miss Kathleen Baker„ Sherburn; Major and Mrs. H. A. Butterfield, Leeds; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker, Sheffield; Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Baker, Swinton; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker, Thrybergh ; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Baker, Rotherham; Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Baker, Rotherham; Mr. and Mrs. F. Mackman Watson, Rotherham: Miss Baker, Rotherham : Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Alexander, Leeds Mr. J. Alexander, Leeds; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Thomson, Wath, Miss Johnson  Thornhill, Wath; Miss Currie, Thornhill, Wath; Mrs. and Miss Burman, Wilmslow Mr., Mrs. and Miss Wade, Wath; Mr. and; Mrs. R. Wade, Wath; Mr. and Mrs. F. Wade, Wath; Mr. and Mrs. C. Wade, Wath; and Mrs. E. Wade, Wath; Mr. and Mrs.W… P. Turner, Swinton; Miss Blythman Swinton; Dr. and Miss Johnstone, Wath,       Dr. Adam Johnstone, Wath, Mr & Mrs.Nash, Wath; Miss Nash, Wath; Captain W. E. Laidlaw, Doncaster Mrs. Leadbeater, Wath; Laidlaw, Apperly Mr. Richard Payne, Newhill Hall; Mrs. and Miss Sellars, Rotherham; Mr., Mrs .and Miss Ream, Doncaster; Mrs. Hepworth, Doncaster ; Miss Smith, Doncaster; Miss Fergusson, Doncaster; Miss Scott, Doncaster; Miss Hughes, Wath ; Mr. and Mrs. Wagstaffe, Wentworth; the Rev. Denis and Mrs. Kemp, Wath; the Misses Hibbert, Wath ; Mr. and Mrs. S. Worrall, Wath; Major and Mrs. Guy Bolsover, Darlington; the Misses Rodgers, Wath; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Steer, Wath; Miss Clark, Rotherham; Miss Townsley, Stairfoot; Mr, and Mrs. A. Jackson, Rotherham, Miss Hobson, Wath; Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Miss Baker, Wath, Major and Mrs. Ensor, West Hartlepool; Mrs. C. H. Stanley, Wath,Mr. Albert Keates, Sheffield; Miss H. Baylis, Wath; Mrs. J. Verity, Kilnhurst Miss Bennett, Sheffield, Mr. F. Popplewell, Leed Miss Yarwood, Wombwell; Mr, and Dunham , Leeds;