Home People Weddings Wedding – Black & Baker – Kilnhurst Steel Manufacturer’s Son

Wedding – Black & Baker – Kilnhurst Steel Manufacturer’s Son

March 1938

Mexborough & Swinton Times March 4, 1938

Kilnhurst Steel Manufacturer’s Son Married at Richmond

Mr. Bernard Baker and Miss Valerie J. Black

Considerable local interest is attached to a wedding which took place on Saturday at Richmond Parish Church.

The bridegroom was Mr. Bernard Baker, M.A., only son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker, of “Green Shutters,” Endcliffe Vale Road„ Sheffield, who resided for many years in Swinton, and Miss Valerie Joan Black, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Algernon Black, of 31, The Green, Richmond.

The Provost of Sheffield, a friend of the bridegroom’s family, owing to bereavement, was unable to officiate at the wedding ceremony, which was taken by the Rev. C. Gray, M.A., Vicar of Richmond, assisted by the Rev. Edward Charles, M.A., of Kennington, a friend of the bridegroom.

The bride was given away by her father, and Mr. J. E. Davies, M.A., was best man.

Spring flowers, which decorated the church and were worn by the wedding party, lent beauty to one of the earliest of the spring weddings.

The bride wore a gown of gold brocade with a veil of gold net mounted over a coronet of spring flowers.

The bridesmaids were Miss Laura Geddie, of Aberdeen, a friend of the bride, and Miss Janet Baker, B.A., sister of the bridegroom. They wore dresses of blue and silver brocade, with coronets, and carried Victorian posies of anemones, lilies of the valley, and violets.

The page was Master David Hunter. The ushers were Mr. Oliver Chesterton, Mr. Alexander Brackenridge and Mr. Andrew Henderson .

The bridegroom’s gift to the bridesmaids were marcasite bracelets, and to the little page a speed boat.

The bride was met at the entrance to the church by the clergy and choir and the hymn “Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven” was sung as the bridal procession proceeded down the aisle.

After the service about 120 guests attended a reception given by the parents of the bride at the Castle Hotel, Richmond, and later in the afternoon the bride and bridegroom left for the Austrian Tyrol, on a skiing honeymoon. The bride travelled in a yellow tweed suit with Ocelot fur collar and pockets, and brown cap and jumper.

The bride and bridegroom were the recipients of hearty congratulations, and among the many beautiful presents which they have received was one from the bridegroom’s friends at Messrs. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., of whose staff Mr. Baker has been a member for several years. On the conclusion of his honeymoon Mr. Baker, we understand will take up a position with the well-known firm of Messrs. Baker and Bessemer. Ltd., of Kilnhurst and Rotherham, with which firm the Baker family are so prominently identified.

Among the guests who attended from this district were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker. Mr. and Mrs. George Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Baker, Miss Baker, Mr. R. C. Baker, Miss Muriel Tomlinson, Miss E. R. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Haigh, Miss Haigh and Miss M. Haigh.