Home Industry and Commerce Other Industry Three Vehicles Bring Outsize Load to Kilnhurst

Three Vehicles Bring Outsize Load to Kilnhurst

August 1949

South Yorkshire Times August 20 1949

Three Vehicles Bring Outsize Load to Kilnhurst

Weighing 14 tons each, two 70ft. sections of a charging machine arrived at the Kilnhurst works of Messrs. John Baker and Bessemer, Ltd., on Wednesday afternoon.

The machine was conveyed by road from Shropshire, travelling overnight, and the two vehicles carrying the sections, together with a smaller lorry holding ether parts, were escorted by two police car froms Sheffield to Kilnhurst.

Said one of the drivers on arrival at Kilnhurst: “This is quite an ordinary job, but the hills around here are certainly bad.”

It was only just possible to work the vehicles round the sharp corner leading into Wharfe Road, Kilnhurst. Only damage was to a gate at the entrance to Messrs. Baker and Bessemer Ltd.

The machine is to be installed in the firm’s new plant.