Home Industry and Commerce Town Council Street Lighting Worse Than At Any Time Since The War

Street Lighting Worse Than At Any Time Since The War

December 1951

South Yorkshire Times, December 1, 1951

Swinton Street Lighting

Worse Than At Any Time Since The War

Street lighting in Swinton and Kilnhurst came in for criticism at Wednesday’s meeting of Swinton Urban Council. Coun. A. Newsam (Kilnhurst) said lighting in the urban district was worse than at any time since the war. During the past two weeks he said, he had noticed street lights on main roads which had not been lighted for days on end.

Coun. Newsam said he appreciated that no blame could be attached to the Urban Council, but he felt the position called for urgent attention.

Mr. H. Goodwin (surveyor) said street lights received a weekly inspection, but so far as lights on housing estates were concerned, the Electricity Board were responsible for them. He had complained on numerous occasion to the Electricity Board that the lamps were not regularly inspected.