Home Events Soldier – Dungworth C.H.– Kilnhurst Decoration

Soldier – Dungworth C.H.– Kilnhurst Decoration

July 1917

Mexborough and Swinton Times July 21, 1917

A Kilnhurst Decoration

Sergeant C.H. Dungworth
(York and Lancaster),

Kilnhurst, has been awarded the Military Medal

“For exceptional coolness and gallantry on the night of June 5-6, 1917, in theYpres salient, when in charge of a loaded limber.

This NCO was unable to proceed with the limber on account of a bridge having been damaged by shellfire. He offloaded, and made several journeys himself through the shellfire, until all the water and Lewis gun magazines which the limber contained had been carried to the place appointed, thus saving the battalion from having to go into action with a shortage of ammunition and water.

This NCO has repeatedly shown marked bravery when bringing up rations under shellfire during the fortnight previous to the attack of June 7.”

Sgt Dung were is enlisted in November 1914, went to France in 1950. He has received all this promotion in France.

His brother Driver J T Dung worth, (Royal Engineers) enlisted in August 1915 and has been once wounded, is also serving in France.