Sheffield Independent – Tuesday 30 November 1937
Ten Years Ban
Prison for Man Who Threw Dog Down Shaft
For ten years, Horace Saville of Wentworth road. Kilnhurst will never own a dog. At Rotherham, yesterdav, this a disqualification was placed him when he was sent to prison for six weeks for cruelly ill-treating his dug and for six weeks for causing it unnecessary suffering.
A harrowing story was told by Inspector J McCluskey, of the R.S.P.C.A. who said that it was believed the dog suffered excruciating pain for at least 10 days, by being tied with piece of webbing so tight round the neck almost to sever the organs.
It reached the peak of suffering on 3 November when defendant took it to disused mine shaft near his home and threw it down. The dog was heard screaming all over the neighbourhood, and Mr. Broadhead saw’ it splashing about :n the water.
Samuel Broadhead, of Wentworth road, Kilnhurst, said he saw the dog climbing up the side the shaft and falling back again. He went for assistance.
Defendant said did not think the webbing was tight. It must have got wet. Every time he returned home from work there was a complaint from the neighbours, and he got sick of it.