Home People Residents Oldest Male Resident

Oldest Male Resident

August 1949

South Yorkshire Times August 27 1949

Oldest Male Resident

Preparations of started this week for the birthday celebration of Mr Thomas Lockwood, who will be 88 on Sunday and believed to be the oldest man living in Kilnhurst.

At present living with his daughter at 106, Highthorn Road, Kilnhurst, Mr, Lockwood is the father of 11 children (he has outlived all but four of them), and has 22 grand-children and 18 great-grandchildren.

Born at Awkley, near Doncaster. Mr Lockwood came to the district when he was married in 1881 and was employed as a drayman at Queen’s Foundry, Swinton, for 25 years.

Leaving the foundry, Mr. Lockwood took up employment with Kilnhurst Co-operative Society for a further 18 years, until his retirement in 1931 at the age of 70. A well-known Wesleyan Reform member, “Mr. Lockwood attended his chapel for more than 55 years. He is a member of the Kilnhurst Old Men’s Retreat and regularly attends all trips and functions of the Club.

Quite active for age, Mr. Lockwood still gardens and frequently enjoys a walk.