Home Industry and Commerce Mining New NCB Area Welfare Officer

New NCB Area Welfare Officer

May 1947

South Yorkshire Times, May 10, 1947

Capt. F. R. Brown
Appointed NCB Area Welfare Officer


The “South Yorkshire times” understands that Captain F. R. Brown, M.B.E., former Surrey and England test cricketer, has been appointed Area Welfare Officer for No. 3 (Rotherham) area of the North-Eastern Divisional Coal Board.

No. 3 area covers Barnburgh. Cadeby, Denaby, Manvers, Nos. 1, 2, 2 and 4 pits Kilnhurst, Wath, Cottonwood, Elsecar, New Stubbin, Aldwarke, Silverwood and Rotherham, Main Collieries.

Mr Brown came to South Yorkshire in November, 1945 when he joined the Welfare Department of Manvers Main collieries Ltd. Subsequently he was appointed Welfare Officer, which position he retained until Vesting Day.

Mr Brown has played in four England test matches – twice against India and twice against New Zealand.