Home The Great War Stories from the War Military Medal Presentation

Military Medal Presentation

May 1919

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 17, 1919

Military Medal Presentation

A presentation which aroused local interest, took place in the Band Room, Wharfe road, on Monday evening. The presentation was made to Lcp. Walker, Y. and L. Regt.

Mr. A. Allison presided. Miss B Smith, a lady who has worked very hard for the needs and comfort of our brave village heroes, made the presentation. In doing so she said she was pleased to have the honour of presenting the Military Medal to Lcp. Fred Walker, who belonged to Kilnhurst, a village from which so many answered their country’s call. Some have returned safely, some were limbless, and some had made the supreme sacrifice. Lcp. Walker had been spared after having faced death in its most hideous forms, and so gallantly did he perform his duty that Brigadier-General Gorden recommended him for deserved distinction.

Turning to Lcp. Walker, she said: “I feel proud to present this Medal to you and hope that you may long be spared to wear it.”

Lcp. Walker made a brief reply and thanked all who had taken an active interest in making that presentation to him that evening. He only did his duty as thousands of others had done.

A whist drive was also held, the following being the prize winners: Messrs. R. Whitehouse and H. Barlow, Mrs: J. Milner and Mrs. O. Smith, and Mr. G. Smith.

After the drive a dance was held, Mr. F. Blunn and L. Jagger being the Ms’.C., and Mr. W. Williams’s hand supplied the music.

The following ladies presided at the refreshment stall: Mesdames Hinchcliffe, Russell, Allison and Dyson. Mr. Geo. Oliver has been the hard working secretary of the movement.

The proceeds will be to make e presentation in some other form to Lcp. Walker.