Sheffield Daily Telegraph March 17, 1910
Kilnhurst Cooperative Society
Jubilee Festival
The Kilnhurst Cooperative Society limited is 50 years of age. It celebrated its Jubilee Festival with a public tea and concert, over 700 members and friends gathering in the Cooperative Hall, the Primitive Schoolroom, and the Kilnhurst Band room.
The chairman of the two large evening meetings were Mr A Hartley (president) and Mr A Russell.
Addresses were given by Mr D McInnes (director Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd) and Mr W Knowles (Secretary South Yorkshire Conference Association)
The history of the Kilnhurst Co-operative Society is an interesting one. Up to 1860 there was no Co-operative society in the South Yorkshire district. In 1860 only three societies were started; Kilnhurst, Stockbridge and Oughtibridge.
It was decided to commence business by buying goods in the wholesale market and distributing them at cost price amongst those who supported the scheme, and this was done at the house of Mr George Clark, on the Wharfe. At the end of 1860 they decided to take a shop in Victoria Street, and commenced business there.
At the end of the first quarter, March 1861, the society consists of 23 members, with a capital of £21.
On March 19 of that year the committee passed a resolution to enrol the society under the Friendly Society Act.
Since the Society was started, it was done a trade amounting to £666,640, and has paid in dividends alone £79,990.
Today there are 613 members, with a capital of £10,403.