Home People Accidents Found In Canal – Parkgate Man’s Death at Kilnhurst

Found In Canal – Parkgate Man’s Death at Kilnhurst

December 1937

Sheffield Independent – Tuesday 28 December 1937

Drowned In Canal

Tragedy marred the festivities of a Kilnhurst family on Christmas Eve. James Squires, of Parkgate, who was spending the night at the house of his brother of Glasshouse lane. Kilnhurstwent out of the back door and failed to return

The canal runs alongside lane, and on Christmas afternoon his body was recovered from the water.

Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 29 December 1937

Found In Canal

Parkgate Man’s Death at Kilnhurst

An inquest was held by Sheffield district Coroner (Mr. J. Kenyon Parker) at Swinton. yesterday, on James Squires (67). of 5, William street. Parkgate, who was drowned in the canal at Kilnhurst while on a visit to his brother’s home, on Christmas Eve.

Tom Squires, labourer, of 51, Glasshouses lane, said that at nine p.m. Christmas Eve deceased and witness and his wife went to a local hotel. Deceased had about seven pints beer. He was none the worse for it. said witness, but was “a bit fresh.”

Upon returning home, deceased cried a little when mention was made of his wife, from whom he had been separated for 33 years. In the morning he had gone from the room where was sleeping.

Police-constable Parker described the recovery of the body from the canal opposite the house. The water was only about seven yards from the front door. There was a fence four feet high which the deceased would have climb to get to the canal. The Coroner said there were several points which the deceased would have to climb to get to the canal.

The Coroner said there were several points which suggested suicide, but the evidence was not clear, and he recorded verdict of “Found drowned.”