Home People Residents Cat Enjoys travelling In Car With Owner.

Cat Enjoys travelling In Car With Owner.

12 July 1969

South Yorkshire Times, July 12th, 1969.

Kilnhurst newsagent, Mr. William Stockley liked company as he travels around in his car, and his choice is his seven months old all white cat.

Mr. Stockley, of 125, Victoria Street, Kilnhurst, estimates that he has travelled hundreds of miles accompanied by his pet called “Bonny”.

The cat sits on the back window ledge, but when he gets out of the car, the animal hops over to the backrest of the drivers seat and waits patiently for Me. Stockley’s return.

“Bonny has always loved travelling in the car,” says Mr. Stockwell. “When we bought her we brought her home in the car and she has always looked forward to getting into the back ever since.”

Bonny, a seven months old cat, which regularly enjoys travelling by car with its owner, Mr. William Stockley, of Kilnhurst.