South Yorkshire Times, January 18, 1958
Big Scout Night at Kilnhurst
Deputising for the Assistance County Commissioner, Major EG Turner, District Scoutmasters C Ibberson (Wath) and G Slater (Conisbrough) made a presentation of warrants to a Kilnhurst Scout Master and Cub Master on Saturday night.
The presentation was made at the Scout, Cub and Brownie party in Kilnhurst Church Hall, and warrants were received by Scoutmaster, the Rev. A. T. H. Tehboth, vicar of Kilnhurst, Cub Master Mr B Godfrey and Assistant Cub master Mrs. V. Godfrey, after they had repeated the Scout Promise.
Many guests were invited to the rally and County Coun. A. Newsam, chairman of the Kilnhurst scouts welcomed everyone. Mr Newsam said he was very proud of the Parents Committees and they must thanked them for the wonderful tea they had provided.
“It is a very great occasion, this our second annual gathering and this time the Scouts. Cubs and Brownies are all together. I am proud that we have such boys and girls in the parish of Kilnhurst and I am proud that I represent you on the local Council.
“There are many other boys and girls in the village who have no connection with the Scout movement and I hope you will encourage them to come along to church and join one of the three movements. By building p this Movement you are doing a very good Service to the church, yourself and everyone in Kilnhurst.
“Looking round I see there has certainly been an improvement in numbers and I am certain that Parents have recognised an improvement as far as their own children are concerned”
Mr Newsam went on to say how much they owed to the people in charge of the movements, and thanked Mr. Tebboth, Mr. Godfrey, Mrs Godfrey, Assisting Could Master, Mrs E Taylor, Brown Al Miss M Sykes and Tawny Owl Miss J Wells.
Chairman of Swinton Coun. W. Bentham, J.P.said he was a great pleasure to be invited to the party. “I only hope that next year you will invite me again and there will be, more Scouts, Cubs and Brownies present.”
District Scout Master C. Ibbetson after thanking the Kilnhurst group for, inviting him, said how they all regretted that Major E. D. Turner was unable to be present through illness. Mr. Ibbetson convoyed Mr. Turner’s apologies and his best wishes.
Best wishes were sent from the party to Mrs, I. Cobb, District Cub Master, who has been ill for several weeks, and was unable to be present, Mr. Ibbetson said, “We send our best wishes and hope she will be well again soon,”
Mr Ibbetson went on, “It is the future that counts. Our country depends on you. There are lots of people have complained about this country, but I have been abroad and see a lot of countries in Europe, and our country is still the best. The future is yours, and remember the words of the Scout promise and always keep that promise.”
Mr Tebboth, who Mr Newsome described as “the architect of the Scout movement in Kilnhurst, and the person behind the inauguration,” said how much he appreciated the Various Committees, particularly for the tea they had provided.
Mr Tebboth’s thanking the leader, stressed his thanks to Mrs Sykes, leader of the Browns, who, he said, “feels she is getting nowhere because as soon as the Brownies are all enough to join the Guides, the goods Swinton, because there is no Guide movement in Kilnhurst. There is no Guide Captain and that is what we want. I should be very disappointed if we have no Guides by next year.”
Following tea, games were organised by the District Scout Masters. Rover Leader Mr. “Jody” Glover and Mr. Godfrey, which were thoroughty enjoyed. The Scouts gave a first aid sketch and sang carols and camp fire songs ran an indoor campfire.
Other guests included Mrs. W. Bentham. Mrs, Tebboth, Mr E Bedson (manage, Kilnhurst Colliery and Mrs. Bedson, and M. and Mrs. D. Coles.