Home Places Theatres Accent on Youth

Accent on Youth

December 1951

South Yorkshire Times, Saturday December 22nd 1951


Two stars of Kilnhurst Theatrical Society’s pantomime which opens at Mexborough on December 31

Accent on Youth

Kilnhurst Amateur Theatrical Society’s production of the pantomime ” Dick Whittington,” opening for a fortnight’s run at the Royal Cinema, Mexborough, on New Year’s Eve, should lack nothing in pace. The cast is a remarkably young one, for of 37 principals and chorus only five are over 21. At the same time, this accent on youth might imply lack of experience, which is certainly not the case.

Probably 80 per cent, of this year’s cast have appeared in past productions by the Kilnhurst society, and a strong sense of team work has developed in the past four or five years. This aspect of the production –a very strong one—applies alike to principals and chorus.

Attractive Team

Doreen Ward, in the name part, and Beryl Jones, as Alice-Fitzwarren, have taken the leads in all the Society’s previous pantomimes. Both have attractive voices—and personalities — and form as sound a ” team ” as any producer could wish for around which to build a pantomime.

Good singing must be backed up in the ” body ” of the pantomime as well as with the principals. This Kilnhurst chorus is undoubtedly one of the most versatile in the district. June Edwards, as dancing mistress, has put some ” bite ” into the dancing and  Vera Williams, the musical director, is sharpening the musical tempo.

From Fairy Queen to Ship’s Captain is something of a changeover. Violet Sugden makes this switch this year, and, says Mr. Bamford, is doing “exceptionally well.” Comedy is provided by Ron Birks, classed in Kilnhurst as one of South Yorkshire’s leading ” Dames.”

Advance bookings for the production have already reached a third of the total bookings of last year’s pantomime.