Home Crime Theft Pigeon Stealing at Kilnhurst – Smart Sentences

Pigeon Stealing at Kilnhurst – Smart Sentences

June 1908

Sheffield Evening Telegraph June 15 1908

Pigeon Stealing at Kilnhurst
Smart Sentences

Today, at the Rotherham West Riding Police Court, Thomas Oxley, miner, Horace Garnett and John Hicks, pony drivers, were charged with stealing 26 pigeons, of the value of 26 shillings, the property of William Hoyle, miner, of 90 Victoria Street, Kilnhurst, between July 4th and 5th.

Mr William Gichard appeared to prosecute

Hoyle’s evidence was to the effect that he locked the pigeon cote on the night of the 4th, and the following morning found it broken open and the pigeons gone. The value of the birds was £5, but he valued them at one shilling each, so the magistrates could deal with the case.

The same day, about 8 p.m he accompanied PC Headland to Woodcock’s game shop, Bridge Street, Rotherham, where he saw and identified eight pigeons as his property.

A witness name Webb said Hicks bargain with them for the sale of pigeons, and let eight of them fly away.

Police constable Headland said that when he arrested Oxley and Garnett at Masbro’ on June 10, Oxley said, “That’s me,” and Garnett, “It’s no use saying nowt.”

On June 11 when witness informed Garnett that five of the pigeons found in his cote had been identified by the prosecutor, Garnett said, “I bought these pigeons of a man in the market on Saturday night.” When arrested, Hicks reply to the charge by saying, “You cannot say I’ve got any.” Later in the day witness was in a cell carrier, and he heard Garnett say, “What has tha been out for?” Hicks replied, “To see my mother,” Garnettt then asked, “As tha let anything out?” And when Hicks replied “No,” Garnettt added, “Don’t split on us, or it will be three months for us. You are as bad as we are. We are all in it.” Hicks replied, “Shut up.”

Sentence of two months imprisonment for Garnett, and one month for Hicks was passed. Oxley was dismissed.