Home People Obituaries Obituary – George Pearson

Obituary – George Pearson

November 1944

South Yorkshire Times, November 18th 1944


Only nine weeks after the death of his wife, the death occurred suddenly last Thursday of Mr. George Pearson (74), 26, Springfield Road, Kilnhurst.

Mr. Pearson had been quite well the previous evening, but was found dead in bed in the early morning.

He had lived at Kilnhurst for six years and previously at Swinton for 50 years. In 1934 he retired after thirty years as a miner at Manvers Main Colliery. Since going to Kilnhurst he had been a member of both the Victoria Club and Kilnhurst W.M.C.

A keen cricketer in his younger days he was Swinton’s stumper for many seasons. He was also a pianist. He had never had an illness in his life and had never been medically attended by a doctor.

Mr. Pearson leaves five sons and five daughters, grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. The funeral took place at Kilnhurst on Wednesday.